Cleveland Soccer Group Seeking $90M in Public Subsidies for $150M Stadium for NWSL Expansion Team Bid

With a deadline looming in a month to submit a bid for a professional women's soccer team, Cleveland nor Cuyahoga County has thus far offered firm commitments on stadium funding

By Vince Grzegorek

The group seeking to bring a professional women's soccer team to Cleveland on Thursday released renderings of what a $150-million soccer-specific stadium south of I-90 in downtown seating 12,500 fans might look like and announced that it is seeking $90 million in taxpayer support — from the city, county and state — to build it. As the same three groups continue negotiations with the Cleveland Browns on a possible $1 billion renovation of the lakefront stadium or a new $2.4 billion build in Brook Park, it is perhaps not an ideal time to be seeking public subsidies for professional sports, but the Cleveland Soccer Group has remained adamant in its vision for bringing an NWSL team to Cleveland, and Ohio, and what it could mean for the region's fans...

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